Seattle DO AOS Interview Experience

I went for my interview, which went well. No surprises with a nice officer.
The common, have you ever no no no!
We were asked about the spouse's siblings,our honeymoon, when and how we met, how long we'd been dating before marriage, but nothing tricky.
Quite easy I would say.

The officer checked Id's, last taxreturn with W-2s, updated address (because we moved), marriage cert.

Interview experience


I had my Interview yesterday in Northern Virginia. The appointment was at 1:00 PM, we arrived at abt 12:30. We were called in at our scheduled time. The officer was cordial. He asked the usual questions, like if I have ever been arrested etc..., He went through the affidavit of support, had questions for my husband regarding his employment letter, checked our passports, asked us both questions about each other, i.e our In-Laws Names, How we met, when we got married, how many guests, What cars we own, date of births, my employer details etc...

Interim EAD experience at New York, NY

I applied for post-grad OPT on Feb 14, my card was approved on May 26. I never received my card and I decided to go ahead and go to get interim EAD. Handed in my infopass appointment sheet at the door of 26 Federal Plaza and was directed to the 3rd floor. At 3rd floor, an officer scanned my sheet and my I797 Notice to make sure its more than 90 days since I first applied for EAD. Then he gave me an N number and directed me to the 9 floor. At the 9 floor, my number was called. Unforunately, I need a proof of residence in new york.

Taxonomy upgrade extras

Background Check

I had an interesting N-400 interview yesterday. Don't know where to start but the IO stemmed out of the office with my thick file while I was waiting for my attorney to arrive. I quickly summed him up to be a hard ass. BTW, I have been an officer of the law for a little over four years now...My attorney arrived shortly after and we went to this small conference room. I was sworn to tell the truth, and the interview started.

Citizenship and Naturalization

Interview Experience

I had my interview today in downtown miami. The entire process took just less than an hour of which around 45 min was the wait for my turn. I had taken so much with me but nothing was needed except the passport and green card. I did get one unusual question related to my mailing address. I have always used a P.O Box as a mailing address so she just asked why P.O Box, why not use the home address. I just told her I change residences quite often ( am a single guy ) and its just easy for me to get a P.O Box near work.

Citizenship and Naturalization

Interview on Feb. 22nd at Chicago DO, and I am approved !!!

We had our interview appointment at 11.05. We left home at about 8.00. And of course, Chicago would not be Chicago if there was no traffic jam, so we left the highway to take an alternate route. After spotting the INS building, we looked for a parking. We enter the building at 10.00.