Renew or Replace Green Card
I just received my two year temporary green card, my malicious mother-in-law claims she went to immigration and put a "BLOCK" on me. Is this possible? Can she do this? I have a clean record good credit and have never been in trouble with the law. Should I be worried?
She cannot put a "block." There is no such provision in law.
My POE with the AP was actually Newark (there is a Newark-Beijing direct flight which goes over the pole). The officer just had my passport, the two copies of AP I have and also I had filled in the white landing card (the one you normally use for entrance with a visa).
Following is a list of questions recently asked by a USCIS investigator of an H-1B employee working at a client site. If you are a member of our compliance group of employers, attend the free conference call scheduled for employers only on 7th July 2011. Membership in the group is by invitation only.
1. What is your name?
2. Can see your ID card?
3. How long you are in US?
4. Have you been visited your home country?
5. Who are you currently employed with?
6. How long have you been with your employer?
7. What is your job title?