DOL statistics on the PERM program includes number of applications received, top occupations, work site states, industries, visa classifications, country of citizenship, and minimum educational requirements, as well as number of certified, denied and withdrawn applications.
Please check the attached document to see the statistics.
Where on the ETA Form 9089 should I enter the foreign worker's qualifications, such as certifications, licensure, or other credentials, to show that he/she meets the actual minimum requirements?
USDOL had denied a series of cases for many employers represented by various law firms. The ground of denial was that when "engineering" was one of the acceptable majors for an IT job, that created too much ambiguity for a case to be approved. DOL stated that there are fields of engineering, such as Agricultural Engineering, which are clearly inapplicable to IT positions.
This ruling had become a nation wide issue.
The PERM Processing Times has been updated. Please click the link below to view the times.