H-1B Visa

H-1B visa is reserved for "specialty occupations." Those that require a at least a bachelor's degree in a specific subject or closely related subjects.

Recording of Community Conference Call (Every Other Thursday) 2015, May 14


Substantial transcription for video

FAQ: US Citizen applying for Green Card for visiting family member (spouse/parents); Birth and Marriage Certificate Issues; FAQ: Getting nanny/domestic help from India; FAQ: After getting Green Card - how long do you have to stay with your employer.

USCIS Temporarily Suspends Premium Processing for Extension of Stay H-1B Petitions

Starting May 26, 2015, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will temporarily suspend premium processing for all H-1B Extension of Stay petitions until July 27, 2015. During this time frame, petitioners will not be able to file Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, for a Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, requesting an extension of the stay for an H-1B nonimmigrant. USCIS will continue to premium process H-1B Extension of Stay petitions filed with Form I-907 premium requests prior to May 26, 2015.

Guestbook Entry for Laura Sylvester , United States

Laura Sylvester
United States

Our software company has worked with Rajiv and his staff for 2 years on various visa applications (H1B, L1, EB2) and couldn't be more pleased. The entire staff is professional, reliable, knowledgeable, and friendly. Rajiv is never too busy to have a call to provide updates & recommendations, and even just to put employees at east during these most stressful times. I highly recommend the Law Office of Rajiv S. Khanna.


H-4 EAD - Documents needed; name issues; processing times, etc.

Question details

Q1. Among the documents needed for filing H-4, what are the ones we really need to make sure, we have them. I mean few like Date of Birth Certificate from Indian Municipal/Registration office..... is that needed even for H-4 EAD. What if the name on the Birth Certificate from Registration office is different from name on Passport? What should be done here? Any other documents etc. we need to be careful about and should be working to get ready now. (Education certificates and marriage certificate etc. we already have)
Q2. Would it again be first come -first served in terms of filing H-4 EAD? I mean people who file on May 26-27 --would their applications be processed earlier than the ones who file little later.
Q3. Approximately how much time it’s expected for EAD to arrive, everything going well
Q4. One last question, if I happen to change my employer at this time, and if my GC process is re-initiated would my wife be still eligible for filing H-4 EAD or NOT ( in a situation if old employer revokes I-140 )

Video URL
FAQ Transcript

A1. So far it appears to me and again we don’t have the details yet. The very least you will need is proof of marriage and birth certificate. I don’t think that is the normal requirement but I believe proof of relationship should be acquired and kept. Then the question what if the names on the birth certificate and passport are different.... we still don’t know lot about these issues. I would say an affidavit explaining the discrepancy and probably making efforts to remove the discrepancy whether you want to have the passport issued under the correct name or whether you want to have a Indian court give a declaratory judgment of some kind that the name X and Y are the same person. Something like that would be a good idea. But it is not going to stop you H-4 EAD application at least in my mind. I think even education certificates are irrelevant because the H-4 EAD is not given based upon what degrees you have, it is given based upon your relationship with the H-1  holder who is at a certain level of maturity in the green card process. I am not worried about the laminated original document. That doesn’t bother me. 

A2. First of all USCIS just roughly follows the first in, first out rule. They are not always bound by that rule because there are so many variations within the processing times if it is given to a particular officer, which depends on what is their case load is and what if they have to take a couple of days off. It’s not always predictable that you will always be first in and first out.  

A3. Under the regulations USCIS should adjudicate EADs within 90 days. But in case you don’t know they are finding it very difficult to keep to that time. I will be surprised if they are able to keep to the 90 days process, but if it is merely administrative process and there is not a whole lot of investigation involved then I don’t see why not but I really don’t know. 

A4. The government has said as long as you have one I-140 that remains unrevoked they will give us the H-4 EAD. But if the I-140 is revoked then H-4 EAD will not be given.

H-4 EAD - Converting from H-1 to H-4 EAD - good idea or not?

Question details

My I-140 was approved on Sept 2011. I came to US on 2008 beginning on L-1 visa and then my employer converted to H-1 visa. On February'15 I got an extension on my H-1 visa based on I-140 approval but I didn't get it for 3 years from Feb'15 rather I got it till Nov'16 (about 1 year 10 months). I am thinking to join another company now. What should I consider before I transfer my H-1 to employer B from employer A on my situation? My wife is on H-1 and it’s valid till 2018. I am also thinking my wife to apply H-4 EAD rather continuing on H-1. Is that going to be a better option?

See clip from Attorney Rajiv S. Khanna's conference call video that addresses this question. 


FAQ Transcript:

Recording of Community Conference (Every Other Thursday) 2015, April 30


Substantial transcription for video

FAQ: H-4 EAD filing while H-1 extension is pending; H-4 EAD. Converting from H-1 to H-4 EAD - good idea or not? H-4 EAD. Documents needed; name issues; processing times, etc.; H-4 EAD Expediting Possible?
Other Topics: Green card issues because of diseases; H-1 amendment with change of location; when is a degree considered to be completed;

Exempt from the H-1B Quota

Question details

I got my H-1B petition approved last year, it got extended as well. I have never used any of these visas to work in the U.S. though I have travelled few times to U.S. but on B-1 visa for meetings with the customers. So the question is when do I become exempt from the H-1 quota?

In your situation when you are outside the USA, you become  exempt from the H-1 quota  when you get your visa stamped. So I think USCIS interpretation of law is faulty and  incorrect, because in my view as soon as H-1 is approved you should be exempt from the quota but USCIS has taken the position that unless you get the visa stamped from the consulate we will not consider you exempt if you are outside the USA. So it appears to me that  you should be exempt from the quota.

H-4 EAD Filing

Question details

My spouse is on H-1 visa and his former employer filed I-140 and then my spouse changed his employment to another employer and transferred his H-1, the I-140 has not been revoked by former employer. So my H-4 is with the former employer valid for three years, and current employer for my spouse has not filed H-1 for me. Is the H-4 from the former employer valid for file EAD or do I have to apply for H-4 again and what would be the documents that would I need to file H-4 EAD ?

Every time the H-1 holder changes  job, the H-4 holder does not need to re -apply for H-4. Your H-4 is good.  You don't have to have different H-4 for the employer. Of course,  every time the H-1 holders change their job they have apply for new H-1 but as long as you never violated status and H-1  holder has  never violated status that H-4 continued to be good from job to job to job, you are good.

Your  second question was what document need to file H-4 EAD?

Radio show, April 28, 2015, H-1 Lottery, H-4 EAD

Nonimmigrant Visas

Substantial transcription for video

Radio show April 28, 2015:


Question1:  My  spouse is on H-1 visa and his former employer filed I-140 and then my spouse changed his employment to another employer  and transferred his H-1, the I-140 has not been revoked by former employer. So my H-4 is with the former employer  valid for three years, and current employer for my spouse has not filed H-1 for me. Is the H-4 from the former employer valid for file EAD or do I have to apply for H-4 again and what would be the documents that would I need to file H-4 EAD ?

Answer: Every time the H-1 holder changes  job, the H-4 holder does not need to re -apply for H-4. Your H-4 is good.  You don't have to have different H-4 for the employer. Of course,  every time the H-1 holders change their job they have apply for new H-1 but as long as you never violated status and H-1  holder has  never violated status that H-4 continued to be good from job to job to job, you are good.

Your  second question was what document need to file H-4 EAD?

Answer is we don't  know yet. When the instructions for the new form I- 765 come out along with the form I-765 they will tell you exactly what you need to submit . I suspect probably marriage certificate along with evidence of  couple of last  pay stubs of your husband's, copy of H-1 receipt and a copy of your H-4 receipt or approval or visa stamped. That typically they should be looking for. But I don't have any basis for saying, this is just my guess.


 Question 2:  I got my H-1B petition approved last year, it got extended as well. I have never used any of these visas to work in the U.S. though I have travelled few times to U.S. but on B-1 visa for meetings with the customers. So the question is when do I become exempt from the H-1 quota?

Answer : In your situation when you are outside the USA, you become  exempt from the H-1 quota  when you get your visa stamped. So I think USCIS interpretation of law is faulty and  incorrect, because in my view as soon as H-1 is approved you should be exempt from the quota but USCIS has taken the position that unless you get the visa stamped from the consulate we will not consider you exempt if you are outside the USA. So it appears to me that  you should be exempt from the quota.

Question 3. I just got my citizenship and now wants to apply for my younger sister, who is alone in India.  I lost my parents few years back so she is all alone but she is above 18. Is there any way I as a brother  and only relationship here in United States apply for her Green card in such a manner that she can be here in United States as soon as possible.

Answer: Siblings Green Card is like  planting mango trees, in India we used to have saying that mango trees takes so  long to bring fruit that one generation plants the tree and the second generation eats the mangoes. It's kind of that for sibling cases, it takes 13 years for the Green Card to come through and there is no way we can expedite that Green Card. However  leaving the option of Green Card filing  you could look at the things like  sponsoring her for her student visa if she wants to study or if she is an professional  or intent to be professional soon she can come on H-1 or L-1 visa, like other people  do. f you have money you can gift her half a million or million dollar depending upon what kind of money you have  that you can invest in her. So Investment visa could be an option but  there is no way you can expedite sibling green Card.