Guestbook Entry for Sundararaman G. Gopalakrishnan, United States

Guestbook Entry for Sundararaman G. Gopalakrishnan, United States

Sundararaman G. Gopalakrishnan
United States

Hi Guys, This letter is intended to express our thanx and appreciation for the service rendered by law offices of Rajiv S.Khanna. For your information: I work as a research scientist at Science Applications International Corporation where I do some active research in atmospheric modeling. I got my green-card stamping done sometime last month. It took us about a year and half for the complete processing of GC. My experience with the law offices of Khanna has been a very pleasent one. There was no pressure from the start and at every stage I was confident that the law offices of Khanna would do its best to see us thru' this otherwise complex process. I hardly did any book-keeping. Rajiv Khanna and his able crew made the sailing very simple. I would strongly recommend the law offices of Rajiv S. Khanna to potential immigrants. One statement about Mr.Khanna: I found him to offer the correct advice at the right time without any exaggration. -Gopal

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