The STEM Designated Degree Program list is a complete list of fields of study DHS considers to be science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) fields of study for purposes of the 24-month STEM optional practical training extension described at 8 CFR 214.2(f). Under 8 CFR 214.2(f)(10)(ii)(C)(2), a STEM field of study is a field of study “included in the Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs taxonomy within the two-digit series containing engineering, biological sciences, mathematics, and physical sciences, or a related field.
I'm a non-married Iranian citizen who’s my first-degree family members are US citizens, currently residing in USA. During last several years I've been rejected every time I requested for a US visa (both F and J).
Now, I am qualified to become a Canadian PR through the skilled-worker program. The visa is issued and I will be soon landing in Canada. I was wondering if my chances for getting a B-2 visa to visit my family will be any better once I'm a registered Canadian resident. Is it wise to ask for a visa once I get my PR card?
I think if you wait till you have a steady job and roots in Canada, and then apply to visit USA, you should have a better chance.