
When used in relation to immigration, this is another name for extending your status.

Guestbook Entry for srikanth, United States

United States

My 6th year  H1-B extension is done succesfully by Rajiv khanna law firm.I got 3 years extension ..My application has been approved in 4 days...I am really thankful to people of firm especially ana baker,rachel for their support and advice .      Initially i am very afraid of this employer and employee relationship ..i dont  understand what exactly is that .. and most of my friends who filed with different lawyer got RFE or their h1b denied due  to improper documentaion about employer and employee relationship....... With Rajeev Khanna law firm they will explain you what exactly is this and help us to prepare perfect documentation..Once again i really thank firm and all the people who helped for my approval   Thanks, Srikanth.k            

H1B Extension beyond 6 years

Question details

I got my H1B in Feb 2005 however never entered the country for first 22 months as I did not get an opportunity to visit my company here in US. Eventually I came here in Jan 2007. When does my 6 year period start? Feb of 2005 or when I first entered the US in Jan 2007?

H-1 starts on the date you ENTER USA.

Guestbook Entry for RAMA VENKATA PRATAP CHERUVU, United States

United States

I received  my H1B Extension as well as my wife’s extension of stay with Rena Waddell, Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna, P.C. Rena Waddell is an expert on immigration laws and we never got any problem or incompletion about the paperwork done under her supervision. She is  very co-operative and would return calls & emails promptly.  We are greatly pleased with her as far as her professionalism, courtesy and promptness throughout my H1B Renewal Process. We are very Thankful to Rajiv and his Staff.

Guestbook Entry for Tribendu Datta, United States

Tribendu Datta
United States

I am on H1 and my wife (on H4 visa) was out of status for more than 8 months. We received the approval nunc-pro tunc. Just to give little background, we found about this when we were planning to process her F1 visa. We browsed through all known forums and short listed two firms, Murthy's and Rajivji's. After the first consultation with Rajiv, I got some ray of hope and thought of retaining Rajivji's firm at that very moment. I omitted the options of retaining my employer's corporate firm and Murthy's firm. Rajivji was very thorough about our case and even had a discussion with my employer to get all the inputs. 

I want to convey my special thanks to Rajiv's attorney Ms Sheena Gill. She was very prompt during the preparation of this case.I really appreciate her enormous follow-ups with USCIS, without which we could not have achieved this success. Thanks to Rajivji and his entire team, they literally gave us a new life. Winning a nunc-pro-tunc case is not a piece of cake, a lot depends on luck and the skill of the law firm.  I would highly recommend Rajiv's firm to anybody for complicated case like this.

Guestbook Entry for Bala, United States

United States

well, what can I say than the usual? Folks at Rajiv's office must be thinking 'phew. we have recieved another one of those glorious feedbacks today. YET again. so, there you go. I'll be another guy who says you are the best. But its true aint it? You know your stuff, you are attentive, you hear our griping, whining and still say 'How can we help?' . Thats what I like the most about Rajiv's Office. After 9 years in the country, just when I started to get comfortable and thinking my status is safe, i received an RFE asking for what I call "Copy from CM and Copy from PM", which in other words, USCIS has asked for letters from everyone involved in my employment. Thank goodness, they didnt ask the now infamous 'tax returns of the company and letter fron the president'. The moment I saw my RFE, I sent an email to Rajiv with one sentence 'HELP!!'. He responded back in 5 minutes, directing his most amazing and best-at-what-she-does assistant, Anna Baker to help me. Letters followed, checks mailed, more emails and voila, we have our case ready and all the letters signed. We applied last friday (July 3rd), received the status email, and case processing has resumed the same day. On July 8th we received an email containing the magical words 'Approval Notice Sent'!! So, lets start with the mail room guys, copying room folks, all the assistants: Thanks a ton! and then Anna : Any number of thanks and best wishes wouldnt be sufficient for your hard work and diligence. and of course Rajiv: For assembling the best team, and for always being there. Thanks to all of you for making this happen for me. Much Appreciated. Bala

Guestbook Entry for Nitin Varma , United States

Nitin Varma
United States

By God’s grace and with my employer Company’s help, I am mighty glad that I found Rajiv’s law firm and at the firm - Vikas, Anna and Fran for my case.

My troubles began when post 6 year expiry of H1B, USCIS apparently rejected the H1B extension but for some reason, no notification was received regarding that rejection of extension for almost one year. The consequential mess resulted in a number of grave implications - starting from employment, GC, driving, even basic living and eventually hit my survivability.

It was at that time my employer Company (that is very supportive) introduced me to Rajiv's law firm.

I am personally very impressed that the firm showed great aptitude and that the firm pursued the case with an unflinching professional commitment and integrity. The team at the law offices worked very diligently, in a very timely manner and made a very professional representation to the USCIS. The firm addressed all the concerns of the USCIS to the satisfaction of the Authority to re-establish the just cause, resulting eventually in a victory for all involved. It was a very complex case that involved a number of appeals and re-appeals over almost a year. While it got so complex that every step of the case was like a step forward in a battleground, the law firm chugged along and helped keep faith in justice.

Looking back, it seems incredible that there is a law firm that can deliver not only justice when the just cause often seems like almost lost in a maze of unknowns, but also could make the entire engagement with the client so clean, above-board and transparent – that as a client one feels assured of being in the right hands at all times. I am in no delusions when I say the firm delivered right well on this extremely complex and sensitive case. I further believe that by upholding the just cause, the law firm not only got justice for me and my employer, but also helped created a winner in USCIS/ US Justice system. I commend the firm for helping everyone including the USCIS see the just cause. The firm, in my belief, has set an example that many others in the Immigration industry could learn to follow in the true spirit of delivering justice.

The law firm exhibited every reason why the firm has and deserves to have a GREAT name in the Immigration community.

Three cheers to Rajiv, Vikas, Anna and Fran at the firm - my personal and professional BIG thanks to them.

Guestbook Entry for Hafeezuddin Shaik , United States

Hafeezuddin Shaik
United States

RFE In short:
1.Petitioner’s employee-employer relationship with the beneficiary which may include
- Contracts or letter from end-client.
- An itinerary with name, address and duration of work.
- Certified planning documents from County showing the Business is in Commercial Lot
- Documentary example of petitioner’s products or service.
- H1-B employees routinely met conditions of employment, including work
hours and invoices etc
-Petitioner works on Speciality Occupation mentioned in the labor

We received an RFE for evidences from end client. Anna and Rajiv submitted all the needed documents to USCIS and after a week, we got an email from Anna Baker saying that, USCIS approved my H-1 application with the I-94 attached to it, as well as the H-4's for his dependents.

On reading the message I was so excited as It has been a struggle for all 4 months with RFE for 8th year extension. Anna and Rajiv sincerely worked on the case to make it successful. Especially with complications in my cases, as there were vendor layers involved to the end client, atleast 30 to 40 people from my parent company, vendors and end client including Rajivs staff were directly or indirectly involved at each step of scrutiny on my documents and they all deserve my thanks too. Special Credits to Anna and Rajiv as they did a Great Job. Hurrah!!!!!!!!

Guestbook Entry for Nirmal Patel , United States

Nirmal Patel
United States

I am really really thankful of Mr. Khanna and his team [Mr. Jitesh Malik, Anna Baker....] for working diligently in my case. I didnt have much time to get through my visa process. But Mr. Khanna & his team adviced me properly and worked step by step with me and my employer & kept me on the same page.
I wish good luck to Mr. Khanna & his team.