GC Guestbook Entries

Guestbook Entry for Mohammed Yaseen, United States

Mohammed Yaseen
United States

I am happy and delighted to inform that we are greened after a wait of 6 years from the start of green card process. Through out this journey Rajiv ji and his team were so detailed, deligent and very informative in handling of our cases. They are very professional and prompt in resolving any issues with USCIS. My specila thanks to Mathew ji and Bharathi ji for personally handling my cases throught out these years. And Kudos to Rajiv for leading such a dedicated team and spending his valuable time when ever his inputs were needed. I strongly recommend law office of Rajis S khanna for you immigration needs. Best Wishes and Good Luck! Mohammed.

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United States

I took consultation with Rajiv Sir twice. In few words, I would say he is excellent in his knowledge and he really reads your case, tries to understand it before he talk to you over the phone. My case is very much complicated ( labor substitution, EB2, concurrent filing, previous comp filed chapter 7, new comp filed another GC with different salary and job duties...etc).

During my first consultation, I asked same set of questions (10 - 15) from both Rajiv Sir and Sheela Murthy but I got all my queries answered with satisfaction and piece of mind only from Rajiv Sir.

During my 2nd consultation, due to dynamic nature of my queries, discussion needed more time than scheduled and Rajiv Sir gave me another slot free of charge to give me right direction before closing discussion thread with him.

Finally, I would say his fees is highest amoung all lawyers I have met but is worth paying as it gives you piece of mind at the end.

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