Question details
1. How does the National Visa Center fit into the U.S. immigration process?
2. USCIS sent my immigrant visa petition to the NVC. Now what happens?<br>
3. How do I know if my priority date meets the most recent cut-off date? What does that mean?
4. How do I know what my priority date is?
5. How Do I Contact the NVC?
1. After U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) approves your immigrant visa petition, USCIS forwards your petition to the National Visa Center (NVC) in Portsmouth, NH for immigrant visa pre-processing at the correct time. Immediate relative categories do not have yearly numerical limits. However, family preference and employment based immigrant categories have numerical limits each year; therefore, lengthy wait times are involved for processing to begin.
Rajiv , I have an account with Immigration .com . Couple of day back I stamped my GreenCard . Iam happy about it and wanted to let you know that the team behind it are great people , a handful of excellent employees , don't you want to know about them ....they are Diane , Lakshmi and Leila . They are outstanding with their services , never I had to ask anything for second time , all feedback they gave me in 24 hrs. and they all kept me posted on the latest about my case . Rajiv , you have a great team , Iam sure you will be proud about them . I never knew doing Geen Card was so easy at . Thanks to you and big thanks to your team . GoodLuck and I will be in touch . Best wishes !!! Ranjit 510-209-5379