I had scheduled Citizenship interview at 8:10 A.M. today, i went in around 7:20 A.M. and there were around 10 people before me. I had to wait for 10 mins and my name was called by the IO. The IO took me to his office and told me to raise my right hand and asked me that i am telling all but truth.
Waited about 30 mins, got called ...
Questions asked: 1. Who wrote declaration of independence, 2. which state bordering Mexico, 3. Name three states part of original 13 states, 4. Who is Pres of U.S, 5. Which party he belongs, 6. Name the two political parties in US.
Asked to read: There are 50 states in US, and then write the same sentence.
It was easy as most others have said. I arrived 25 minutes early, went through security and signed in at the front desk. The large waiting room had about 20 other people waiting. I was called about 12 minutes after my appointment time of 1:30. One middle-aged lady that came out of the process seems to have failed her civics exam, based on the conversation the IO had with her and her son. My advice to non-native English speakers who are having trouble understanding the civics questions - don't go through it alone, have someone study with you and explain them to you in your language.
My son had his interview today at 9:00 am at St. Louis DO. We came at 8:35 am, and he was called in at about 8:45-8:50 am, earlier than expected. I was waiting for him in the waiting room. In about just 10 minutes he came out smiling. The interview went very well, nothing difficult at all, pretty standard. 6 civic questions, reading and writing something at the 1-st grade level. The IO asked basic questions on his application, asked for documents - DL, passports, GC, and his Selective Service card.
Had mine and spouse's interview yesterday at the Chicago office -
We both had the same interview timing - 11:05am
Wife was called first (about 30 min late) and she was done in about 15min. Was very easy - Standard 6 civics questions, english read and write. Went over the application. The officer told her that she would get the oath date letter after my interview is done with so that we are both placed together for the oath. They don't give the oath on the same day as the interview in Chicago.
I passed my interview today. It started exactly on time (1:30 pm). The officer (middle-aged lady) was very nice and friendly. I liked that when I came 30' prior the interview, she called out another person, but also called my name and said, "You would be the next". When my turn came, she let me in, asked to raise my hand and swear to say truth. Then the test came. Reading: How many Senators are there in the U.S.? Writing: There are one hundred Senators in the U.S.
American history & Civics questions were the following.
1) What is the name of the National Anthem?
We had our interview yesterday and got appproved. I filed in Mar'12 (5Y - 85d) and my wife filed in Apr'12 (5Y - 60d) and we both had the interview yesterday. They went over all the N400 questions again and civic questions. The IO was looking at my file for 10-15 minutes without any major questions.
I had successful interview at Park Lake Drive, Atlanta, GA. I arrived 15 minutes earlier. The security at gate asked me to show Driver's ID. After that, he asked me to screen the bag through X-Ray Machine. Because I was carrying lot of documents, I put them into my laptop bag (without laptop). He also, asked me to empty pockets, take the Wrist Watch out, Belt and Shoes. This is very similar to airport security. After going though metal detector, I was asked to go to the Reception on First Floor (Walk-in Level) on left hand side.
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