They were really good in... - delivering the process well - presenting my case - securing & covering all the corners - Had the knowledge, experience and 'know-how' that made it a successfull deal.. Thanks a lot! - roopal.
I went to Arlington, Virginia for a walk-in on Wednesday (April 14). As of the 7th, they dont take walkins on Wednesday afternoon. I was told to come back the next day at 7:30.
I cam back on 15 at 7 AM (there were already 100
people in front of me). They opened at 7:30 and we were directed a room in the secon floor. Waited in the room until 10.00 and was told that I would receive the EAD the same day. I waited some more in a different room and obtained my interim EAD little after noon.
Few things to note:
I actually had a very easy time in Columbus. I went to the offices at 7:30 am on Tuesday 13th April and was directed to stand outside in the rain until 7:45. At 7:45 I went in and joined the surge to the elevators.
Once in the offices, I was checked by a security officer (who was very helpful), gave my receipts, completed I-765, and took a seat. I was called in about an hour later to be finger printed and photographed, and I went back to the waiting room. I left by 9:20am with my card.
Your website is great and you are doing a wonderful job. Believe me - so many of us appreciate your efforts.
Here is my iEAD experience at Hartford:
This website has been extremely helpful to me in respect of my GCA process.Thank you.
I would like to share my personal experience regarding the interim EAD issuance in Indianapolis. They deliver the inteim EAD after 90 days period.
Here's my story of getting the interim EAD.
Applied electronically for renewal on Jan 5, 2004 at VSC, with notice date Jan 6, 2004. Went to Newark, NJ on April 15, 2004. I got it without much hassle, except for the wait.
Valid from 2004/04/15 till 2004/12/15.
Now for the long story...
Sequence of events :
1. Stood in line at 7 AM.
2. Let into Room 200 at 9 AM. (Separate Line for interim EAD applicants).
3. Was sent to Room 1300 at 9:15 AM, after a cursory check of documentation.
4. Was called to a window at 12:40 PM.
5. Tough lady at the counter asked a lot of arbitrary questions (why did I
not have my old expired passports with me? etc.), and then approved my
6. Went to Room 1304 - sat for about 20 mins.. they called my name, got my
Minimum Investments, Targeted Employment Area Designations Among Reforms
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published the U Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide (PDF, 1.58 MB) to provide law enforcement and other certifying agencies with helpful information and best practices for the U visa certification process.
Discussion Topics, Thursday, 25 July 2019:
Combination of EAD and H1B status || 2 separate employers filed for FY2020 Cap Subject H1-B || Child born outside the US before parents were naturalized || N-400 Interview || Priority date change in I 797 for EB1 approval || Change companies with I-140 approval
Updated rejection criteria includes time-sensitive H-2A visa classification
Move ensures alignment with Executive Order 13767
What are the grounds for qualifying for asylum in the United States?
Qualified asylum-seekers are those who are fleeing persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.
For more information please visit this link:
Note: This is a verbatim transcript of the referenced audio/video media delivered as oral communication, and, therefore, may not conform to written grammatical or syntactical form.
The H-1B program allows employers in the United States to temporarily employ foreign workers in occupations that require the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or higher in the specific
August 08, Discussion Topics
-DOB in Passport different from Birt Certificate
-Impact on I-140 if company closes
-Change of status from F-1 to H-1 denied
-Difference between AR-11 and I-865
-Investor Visa process
Transition aimed at increasing efficiencies, reducing backlogs
The last day the USCIS Seoul field office will be open to the public is Aug. 16, 2019. Effective Aug.
Regulation promotes self-sufficiency and immigrant success
I consulted some lawyers on how to waive my 2 years residency, I wasn't able to finish my program or even meet the 2/3 rule. Me and my husband are so hopeless and don't know what to do, only thing that we know is through Hardship Waiver. And then God sent an angel.
PERM Processing Times (as of 7/31/2019)
Number 33
Volume X
Washington, D.C
I tried 2 different attorneys before employing law offices of Rajiv Khanna, one attorney took money but didn't even bother to call me and other who wouldn't fill the basic information properly before filing the application for LC. Myself and My wife, we got our passports stamped yesterday (11/21/2002), the whole process took us about 2 yrs and 1month without any problem or query from INS. Working with the team of Rajiv Khanna was PLEASANT. Being a professional myself, I am really pleased with their DILIGENCE, PROFICIENCY, CONFIDENCE and EXPERIENCE. Even though my company messed up in making monthly payments, Ms. Lakshmi Kompella, Ms. Diane Lombardo and Ms. Suman Bhasin gave me an opportunity to clean it up without holding up the processing of my application. I am thankful for their CARE and UNDERSTANDING. Ms. Leila Lehman are praise worthy too, for all their support and PERSONAL attention given to my case. Thanks to the whole team for making the process EASY and PLEASURABLE. If the job needs to be done RIGHT, this is "THE TEAM".